Project title: “The development, unmanned field platform”.
The project is implemented under the European Funds for Małopolska 2021-2027 programme,
Priority 1. European funds for research and development and entrepreneurship.
Measure 1.1 R&D projects of enterprises, type of project B. Comprehensive projects covering R&D work with implementation.
Project activities implemented :
The subject of the project will be the development, construction of a prototype and the implementation of the product innovation market in the form of an unmanned, multi-purpose field platform (UGV) for use in the civil and military auxiliary services. In order to carry out the tasks set, the project will purchase additional equipment of the machine park in the form of a multi-purpose CNC machine, coordinate measuring machine, 3D printer and mobile crane.
The project will carry out the following tasks:
– Development of assumptions for the CAD model, execution and testing of the demonstrator and development of guidelines for the installation of a multi-purpose, unmanned field platform – industrial research.
– Development of the composition of varnishes with defined colors for covering surfaces made of EPP together with technological guidelines on how to apply varnishes to EPP material – industrial research.
Design work and construction of a prototype of the platform based on guidelines from industrial research – experimental development work.
– Testing and verifying the correctness of the platform prototype in real conditions in order to optimize the operation of the device and prepare the manufacturer’s documentation – experimental development work.
– Implementation of a semi-autonomous platform for the activities of its own company.
The target groups:
As a result of the project, Fabryka Maszyn i Urządzeń OMAG sp. z o.o. intends to offer a new product in the form of a multi-purpose, unmanned field platform (UVG) for all field applications. The target group for the platform developed as part of this project will be the State Institutions, Emergency Services, Military Institutions and multi-hectare farms.
The main objective of the project is to introduce into our own new, previously unproduced product, i.e. an innovative solution of an unmanned, multi-purpose field platform adapted to different field conditions with the alternative fuel cell option. The innovative product developed as part of the project will have competitive advantages in the field of environmental protection and technical solutions not yet used:
– zero-emission,
– the machine will be powered by an electric motor, with the possibility of recharging alternative fuel cells – GOZ and eco-innovation,
– for the construction of the body, the EPP material will be used 100% recyclable,
– multitasking,
– versatility of the basic (exit) solution, which will enable the personalization of the equipment to equip the mobile platform with robotic elements for conducting activities and transport in selected industries,
– a novelty concerning the composition of the varnishes and how they are applied to the EPP material.
Beneficiary – Fabryka Maszyn i Urządzeń “OMAG” Sp. z o. o.
Value of the Project – 17 879 307.14 PLN
Contribution of European Funds – 7 991 716, 77zł
REQUEST FOR QUOTE NO. 1 of December 20, 2024.
for the service of research and development work regarding the implementation of industrial research aimed at developing the composition of varnishes with defined colors for covering surfaces made of EPP along with technological guidelines on the method of applying varnishes to EPP material as part of the project entitled “Multi-task, unmanned off-road platform”, aimed at creating innovative solutions in the field of land-based, multi-task, semi-autonomous unmanned platform. The project is implemented on the basis of contract No. FEMP.01.01-IP.01-270/23-00 of September 6, 2024 concluded with the Intermediate Body FEM 2021-2027: Małopolska Center for Entrepreneurship based in Krakow for co-financing the project under the “Programme” European Funds for Małopolska 2021-2027″, Priority 1 European funds for research and development and entrepreneurship, Measure 1.1. Research and development projects of type B enterprises. Comprehensive projects including R&D work with implementation, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund. The contractor will be selected in accordance with the principle of competition referred to in
Guidelines on the eligibility of expenditure for 2021-2027 (MFiPR/2021- 2027/9(1)) in the version of November 18, 2022.
Detailed information about the announcement, including the content of the Request for Quotation and downloadable attachments, is available at the link below:
Offers can be submitted until February 10, 2025 via the Competitiveness Database (BK2021). Offers submitted after the specified deadline will not be considered.
The Ordering Party requires that all letters related to the proceedings, including all applications, inquiries, statements, be sent directly through the Database.
Competitiveness (BK2021). Any other address will result in the letter being sent incorrectly and will result in the offer not being considered.
Updated on 02.01.2025, regarding:
1. deadline for submitting offers,
2. offer opening date,
3. the content of Annex 4 to the Request for Quotation has been corrected.
Updated on 21.01.2025, regarding:
1. deadline for submitting offers.
REQUEST FOR QUOTE NO. 2 of December 20, 2024.
for the service of research and development work, the subject of which is industrial research regarding the development of structure, automation and control together with the installation part of a land-based, multi-task, semi-autonomous unmanned platform using specialized software, preparation and testing of a demonstration version along with the development of assembly guidelines, as well as experimental work – development involving the construction of a prototype of a multi-task, semi-autonomous transport platform based on the results of industrial research as part of the project titled: “Multi-task, unmanned off-road platform”, aimed at developing innovative solutions in the field of land-based, multi-task, semi-autonomous unmanned platform. The project is implemented on the basis of contract No. FEMP.01.01-IP.01-0270/23-00 of September 6, 2024 concluded with the Intermediate Body FEM 2021-2027: Małopolska Center for Entrepreneurship based in Krakow for co-financing the project under the “Programme” European Funds for Małopolska 2021-2027″, Priority 1 European funds for research and development and entrepreneurship, Measure 1.1. Research and development projects of type B enterprises. Comprehensive projects covering R&D work with implementation, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund. The contractor will be selected in accordance with the principle of competitiveness referred to in the Guidelines on the eligibility of expenditure for 2021-2027 (MFiPR/2021-2027/9(1)) in the version of November 18, 2022.
Detailed information about the announcement, including the content of the Request for Quotation and downloadable attachments, is available at the link below:
Offers can be submitted until February 18, 2025 via the Competitiveness Database (BK2021). Offers submitted after the specified deadline will not be considered.
The Ordering Party requires that all letters related to the proceedings, including all applications, inquiries and statements, be sent directly through the Competitiveness Database (BK2021). Any other address will result in the letter being sent incorrectly and will result in the offer not being considered.
Updated on 21.01.2025, regarding:
1. deadline for submitting offers.
Project title: ” Investment in the company’s production base in order to introduce business innovation ”
The project is implemented under the European Funds for Małopolska 2021-2027 Program,
Priority 8. European funds for the just transformation of Western Małopolska,
Action 8.7. Development of companies supporting just transformation.
Activities implemented as part of the project consist in developing the company’s production base by purchasing and assembling a modern technological line with a robotic welding station, increasing employment and conducting specialized training for employees in the field of ecology, entrepreneurship and operating robotic stations.
The goal of the project is to increase the production efficiency of personalized welded parts, strengthen the flexibility of production processes and increase the company’s competitiveness by expanding the range of parts for machines and devices offered in industry.
The effects of the project will be used by the company’s economic environment – mainly from the SME sector, individual recipients, employees of Fabryka Machy and Equipment “OMAG” Sp. z o. o. in the field of raising knowledge and professional qualifications.
Beneficiary – Fabryka Machy i Equipment “OMAG” Sp. z o. o.
Project value – PLN 6,21,208.85
European fund contribution – PLN 3 086 319.91
Request for Quotation No. 1 of January 7, 2025.
for the delivery, assembly and commissioning of a robotic welding center connected to a laser optical scanner, welding smoke extraction and welding extraction installations
as part of the project titled: “Investment in the company’s production base in order to introduce business innovation”, aimed at increasing the efficiency of production of personalized welded parts, strengthening the flexibility of production processes and increasing the competitiveness of Fabryka Maszyn i Urządzeń “OMAG” Sp. z o. o. by expanding the range of parts for machines and devices offered in the industry.
The project is implemented under contract No. FEMP 08.07-IP.01–0079/23-00 of July 24, 2024, concluded with the Intermediate Body FEM 2021-2027: Małopolska Center for Entrepreneurship based in Krakow for co-financing the project under the “Funds” Program European for Małopolska 2021-2027″, Priority 8 European funds for a just transformation of Western Małopolska, Measure 8.7 Development of enterprises supporting a just transformation FEM 2021-2027, type A. Development investments (including production, logistics and R&D, in the field of preventing and limiting the generation of waste and reducing the consumption of environmental resources ) leading to a change in the business profile of enterprises or the creation of new jobs. Co-financed by the Just Transition Fund.
Detailed information about the announcement, including the content of the Request for Quotation and downloadable attachments, is available at the link below:
The Ordering Party allows the submission of partial offers. Partial offers may be submitted separately for each part of the order or for any number of selected parts of the order or for all parts of the order (the whole) while maintaining the separateness of the subject matter of the order, thus the Ordering Party does not limit the number of parts that it may award to one contractor.
Offers can be submitted until January 14, 2025 only via the Competitiveness Database (BK2021) . Offers submitted after the specified deadline will not be considered.
The Ordering Party requires that all letters related to the proceedings, including all applications, inquiries and statements, be sent directly through the Competitiveness Database (BK2021).
Request for Quotation No. 2 of January 14, 2025.
for delivery, installation and commissioning of devices:
– horizontal turning center with steady rest and driven tools,
– mobile pillar crane, slewing crane,
– stationary crane,
– grinding and deburring machines with a return feeder,
– dust extraction for grinding and deburring machines,
– compressor room – a set of two screw compressors,
– band saw,
– hydraulic press
as part of the project titled: “Investment in the company’s production base in order to introduce business innovation”, aimed at increasing the efficiency of production of personalized welded parts, strengthening the flexibility of production processes and increasing the competitiveness of Fabryka Maszyn i Urządzeń “OMAG” Sp. z o. o. by expanding the range of parts for machines and devices offered in the industry.
The project is implemented on the basis of contract No. FEMP 08.07-IP.01–0079/23-00 of July 24, 2024, concluded with the Intermediate Body FEM 2021-2027: Małopolska Center for Entrepreneurship based in Krakow for co-financing the project under the “Funds” Program European for Małopolska 2021-2027″, Priority 8 European funds for a just transformation of Western Małopolska, Measure 8.7 Development of enterprises supporting a just transformation FEM 2021-2027, type A. Development investments (including production, logistics and R&D, in the field of preventing and reducing waste generation and reducing the consumption of environmental resources ) leading to a change in the business profile of enterprises or the creation of new jobs. Co-financed by the Just Transition Fund.
Detailed information about the announcement, including the content of the Request for Quotation and downloadable attachments, is available at the link below:
The Ordering Party allows the submission of partial offers. Partial offers may be submitted separately for each part of the order or for any number of selected parts of the order or for all parts of the order (the whole) while maintaining the separateness of the subject matter of the order, thus the Ordering Party does not limit the number of parts that it may award to one contractor.
Offers can be submitted until February 13, 2025 via the Competitiveness Database (BK2021). Offers submitted after the specified deadline will not be considered.
The Ordering Party requires that all letters related to the proceedings, including all applications, inquiries and statements, be sent directly through the Competitiveness Database (BK2021). Any other address will result in the letter being sent incorrectly and will result in the offer not being considered.
“Working capital subsidy for Machinery and Equipment Plant “OMAG” Sp. z o. o. within the action 3.4. Grants for working capital of the Intelligent Development Operational Program 2014-2020, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund”
The purpose of the project – to provide financial liquidity and support for day-to-day operations due to financial difficulties that have occurred with the entrepreneur as a result of the COVID-19 epidemic.
Planned effects – improvement and stabilization financial liquidity
Beneficiary – Fabryka Maszyn i Urządzeń “OMAG” Sp. z o. o.
Project Value – PLN 341,577.84
European Funds contribution – PLN 341,577.84